Agile frameworks

Lately we have talked quite a bit about Agile, mainly because today many organizations outside the software world understand and embrace the Agile principles.

However, the question remains – how can one adopt a method that has come from the software sector to other sectors like marketing, product development, sales, purchasing and Service organizations? The answer is simple – Agile is a management perception, and as a perception it can be applied in many ways as long as we understand its basic principles. We can look at Agile as an umbrella term for different agile methodologies and frameworks known as – the Agile frameworks.

So what is the Agile framework? What is Agile development framework, and is it necessarily the same?

The agile methodology framework is a collection of methods and techniques for a rapid and flexible execution of a work, mission, or project, usually in uncertain environments.

The most common frameworks are Scrum, Kanban, SAFE, and XP.

Each framework has its own advantages and all are based on a common incremental and iterative, customer oriented approaches. That is, short work cycles (iterations), in which we execute a small valuable work / project unit (increments) that drives rapid feedback from an internal or external customer. The feedback bases form the adjustment of the original characteristics of the work / project (for example – timeline planning, product functionality, act’), thus the two main values of the Agile approach are obtained – rapid and flexible work that is customer oriented

The Agile frameworks are lightweight and adaptable to various processes, products / services and system constraints that each organization holds. These framework implementations includes elements of employee empowerment, interfaces collaboration and tight communication. Without these elements, the Agile principles will not be implemented correctly and the agile framework value to the organization is reduced significantly.

The Agile frameworks are varied and we can use all or none of them and still successfully implement agile principles that will make us rapid and flexible in the dynamic environment we live in.

In our next articles we will discuss the different methodologies and provide some examples.